Ny bok


’Hett blod, kalla nerver’ var en typisk Arto Paasilinna bok. Rolig och underfundig och en riktig skröna.  Nu blir det däremot mer Science Fiction igen, Greg Bear, Eternity som är fortsättningen på ’Eon’.

Greg Bear returns to the Earth of his acclaimed novel ”Eon”–a world devastated by nuclear war. The crew of the asteroid-starship ”Thistledown” has thwarted an attack by the Jarts by severing their link to the Way, an endless corridor that spans universes. The asteroid settled into orbit around Earth and the tunnel snaked away, forming a contained universe of its own. 
Forty years later, on Gaia, Rhita Vaskayza recklessly pursues her legacy, seeking an Earth once again threatened by forces from within and without. For physicist Konrad Korzenowski, murdered for creating The Way, and resurrected, is compelled by a faction determined to see it opened once more. And humankind will discover just how entirely they have underestimated their ancient adversaries.

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